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We are Excited to Announce a New Help Desk!

LFE Help Desk

In order to streamline communication and collaboration, the LFMWC Board has launched a Help Desk Ticket System.

Why a Ticket System?

First, a ticket system is far superior to email in driving the successful resolution of inquiries. An email can be lost in a stream of many, and if an email eventually needs to be forwarded to someone else for followup, critical information may be lost that was contained in earlier messages or previous threads. With a ticket system, all communication and information is stored in one place, within the ticket. So when the ticket is assigned to another person, nothing is lost – all the information goes with it.

Also, a ticket system helps with the resolution of tasks. Even with the best of intentions, some tasks may fall by the wayside, due to being buried in a sea of old emails and other new tasks. With a ticket system, a task never gets buried. It stays open and assigned to someone until it is resolved. This streamlines communications and makes it much more time efficient for everyone.

Which Help Desk?

We decided to use the Hesk Help Desk System for multiple reasons. It is an excellent program that is offered without cost. It is easy to use and features email response, which allows people unfamiliar with Help Desks to simply reply to their tickets via email. It also includes a knowledge base, which we will be rolling out as we get accustomed to the program.

After many hours of development, we are confident this new Help Desk will lead to increased Member satisfaction as it has been tailored fit to meet our water company needs. In addition, we have given a section of the ticket system to be used by our community’s ACC. You can check out the new Help Desk Ticket System here.